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Action LISP for custom events

Tract Stack has an internal LISP built-in for action scripting!

The current command-set is limited.


Usage: (goto (parameterOne parameterTwo parameterThree))

goto home

Usage: (goto (home))

On click, this will load the / homepage

goto concierge

Usage: (goto (concierge target))

On click, this will goto the /concierge/target page. Likely target values are profile and graph

goto context

Usage: (goto (context slug))

On click, this will goto the /context/slug page.

Context pages must be created first in the Story Keep.

goto product

Usage: (goto (product slug))

On click, this will goto the /products/slug page.

This slug must exist as a product and the Shopify integration must be enabled.

goto storyFragment

Usage: (goto (storyFragment slug))

On click, this will goto the /slug page, or / if home slug.

Story Fragments must be created first in the Story Keep.

goto storyFragmentPane

Usage: (goto (storyFragmentPane slug1 slug2))

On click, this will goto the /slug1#slug2 page, or /#slug2 if home slug. The particular pane section of the page will be scrolled into view.

Story Fragments and Panes must be created first in the Story Keep.